30 Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 2 Terbaru Kurikulum 2013: Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

- 20 Maret 2023, 10:10 WIB
Contoh Teks Eksplanasi Singkat Tema Fenomena Alam, Lengkap dengan Strukturnya
Contoh Teks Eksplanasi Singkat Tema Fenomena Alam, Lengkap dengan Strukturnya /Pexels/Julia M Cameron/

17. What should we do after we add egg and vanilla to the cream of butter and sugar?

A. Beat them well
B. Sift flour and salt
C. Bake them in the oven.
D. Cool on wire rack.
Jawaban: B

18. How much sugar do we need in making the cake?

A. ¼ cup
B. ½ cup
C. 1 cup
D. 1 ½ cup
Jawaban: A

19. “Beat them well”. (step 2). The underlined word means . . . .

A. Bake
B. Simmer
C. Make
D. Stir
Jawaban: D

20. The purpose of the text is . . . .

A. To describe patty cake
B. To persuade to make patty cake
C. To explain how to make patty cake
D. To give information about patty cake
Jawaban: C

The text for no 21 - 24

How to make a Cheese Omelet
1 egg, 50 g cheese, 1 cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese-grater, bowl, and plate.
• Crack the egg into a bowl
• Whisk the egg with a fork until it’s smooth
• Add milk and whisk well
• Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
• Heat the oil in frying pan
• Turn the omelet with spatula and cook both sides
• Place on a plate, season with salt and pepper


Editor: Niken Nurfujitania


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