Terbaru Soal Ujian PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

- 17 Maret 2023, 11:13 WIB
9 Contoh Teks Eksplanasi Berbagai Tema, Lengkap dengan Strukturnya
9 Contoh Teks Eksplanasi Berbagai Tema, Lengkap dengan Strukturnya /Pexels/lilartsy/


6. What are the speakers doing?

A. They are doing their assignment
B. They are discussing Zaidan’s assignment to make a caption
C. They are searching for captions on the internet for their wall magazine
D. They are taking pictures at the park for captions
E. They are writing a caption about spirit to start days

Jawaban: B

7. What do they call a good caption?

A. It is contemporary
B. It should be written by a popular person
C. It shows a clear picture without words
D. It contains a good message, an interesting picture and meaningful words
E. It contains full-length sentences with simple pictures

Jawaban: D

8. What caption will Zaidan make?
A. Environment
B. Spirit of life
C. Friendship
D. Nature
E. Motivation

Jawaban: C

The following text is for questions 9 to 10.


Editor: Niken Nurfujitania


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